Avon is always helping representatives attract new online customers and potential team members by offering a sweepstakes several times a year. Anyone can enter to win and they can also refer a friend or share your sweepstakes to earn an extra drawing. There are always several winners per sweepstakes offered and you can even enter too if your a representative. Anyone who enters has the option to opt in if they are interested in receiving special email offers and newsletters from Avon and Avon reps. If someone does not opt in then all their information is kept hidden but they are still connected to the representative whom they entered the sweepstake with. This is a great business generating tool and a great way to capture leads of people who are really interested in Avon. If you are an Avon Rep, look for the sweeps information and link on your online store, and to view the contact details visit Avon Social in the back office. Not an Avon representative yet? Learn more or get started here.
Are you a stay at home mom looking for a way to make money while your children are at school?9/1/2017 If your a stay at home mom, your children have just returned back to school or soon will be. This is the perfect time to start an Avon business.
Kathleen LeMaire